Photos of my Stags to Monitor Growth
Platycerium andinum from Mike Moody's
garden which has a lot of Bob Lees plants. |
Below - Platycerium
andinum obtained from an orchid grower in Santa Barbara. I was over
watering this plant and almost lost it. Has recovered strongly and
is looking good with a nice drying out period between watering. |
Platycerium andinum obtained from an
orchid grower in Santa Barbara. I was over watering this plant and
almost lost it. Has recovered strongly and is looking good with a
nice drying out period between watering. |
Platycerium bifurcatum cv
'Netherlands'. This plant is growing through the fence and thriving
in full sun on the sunny side of the fence. |
Beloe - Platycerium Coronarium obtained summer
2016 from Thailand. Not much growth, but the shield frond is
relatively new, |
Photos below
Platycerium Coronarium cv Phillippinese
obtained from Thailand Summer 2016. I grow it is a humidity chamber
within the greenhouse. Nice new shield frond growing which is the
same time of the year as most P. hillii |
Below - Platycerium Dawboy Hybrid, a cross
between Alcicorn and Madagascariennse
from Thailand, summer 2016. I grow this one inside my greenhouse |
Above - Platycerium Dawboy Hybrid, a cross
between Alcicorn and Madagascariennse
from Thailand, summer 2016. I grow this one outside
Platycerium Elemaria Hybrid from
Thailand |
Above - Platycerium Elephantosis. I
almost lost this one while touring in China but it has recovered and
starting to look nice. Obtained this one from an orchid dealer in
Santa Barbara
Platycerium Ellisii cv Long I obtained
from Thailand summer 2016. It is growing in a greenhouse and has been
dormant since I received it. |
Below Platycerium Grande obtained from
Thailand. I have it growing in a humidity chamber within the
greenhouse. I don't think a P. Grande will survive the cold in So.
California. |
Below -
Platycerium hillii cv Jimmie
A Steve Talnadge discovery back in the 1970s and marketed at the Del
Mar Fairl I got a pup in 1980 and today I am probably the only
grower of this cultivar. |
Below - Platycerium hillii cv Panama from Mike Moody's
garden. |
Below - Platycerium Hillii cv Hula Hands
obtained from LAIFS spring 2015. Notice the short fingers on fronds,
thus, Hula Hands. |
Below - Platycerium Hillii cv Bloomei obtained from Jim Jeager of LAIFS
(2017). The rich green fronds may be a result of growing
inside my greenhouse. |
Below - Platycerium Horn's Dwarf obtained from
Tom Gauchi in Huntington Beach, Member of LAIFS. |
Below - Platycerium Horn's Surprise imported
from Thailand Summer 2016 |
This Hultumii was purchased from
Louisiana in 2015 and has been growing in my greenhouse. I had it in
a humidity chamber for last 2 months with no noticeable change. It had some
dry periods in summer of 2016. Currently the plant appears to be in
a dormant stage. |
Platycerium Mt Kiskahood obtained from
Thailand and growing inside a humidity chamber within the greenhouse.
Nice new fertile frond growing out the top. |
Below - Platycerium Mt Lewis obtained at LAIFS
annual fern show in June 2015. It was in a pot and I have it growing
in the greenhouse. There is a little Spanish moss on it to help with
humidity. |
Below - Platycerium Mt Lewis is growing outside
under 50% shade cloth. In December it is growing a couple new
fertile fronds. |
Below - Platycerium Stemaria cv White was imported from
Thailand, August 2016 |
Below - Platycerium Suberbum. Originally
sold to me in 1980 as a P. grande. About that time the species was divided
into to different species and I believe this one is a superbum because of
its tolerance to my local growing environment. I kept it in 100%
shade and it never got larger than 8 inches across for 30 years. Two
years ago I moved into partial sun and it has almost filled this 36x36
inch board. |
Below - Platycerium Willinckii cv Java.
This one is a great example of how the fertile fronds grow out sideways
which is different from all other platyceriums. |
Below Platycerium willinckii Pygmaen |
Platycerium willinckii Pygmaen.
Have had this plant for several years and it is ready to be mounted on a
larger board. |
Platycerium willinckii cv Schofield obtained from
Larry, LAIFS member |

ABOVE - Willinckii Schofield obtained from Los
Angeles International Fern Society which was donated to them which was
donated to them from a long time member. |
Platycerium veitchii cv Lemonei which
is relatively drought tolerant. I am growing this one for my sister
in Needles California where the temp reached over 120 F in the summer.
The plant heeds to be well established to survive those temps. |