By Herb Halling

  Recently, every time I went to Facebook, the login page would appear for a few seconds then redirect to PageRage where you can get different formats, supposedly for Facebook.  But if you read the bottom line, it said that RagePage is not affiliated with Facebook.  That was my clue that I had a spieware problem.  Some web site had downloaded a program that redirected my Facebook and possibly some other web sites to PageRage.

   The way to stop PageRage from functioning is very easy. First in your browser, go to: Tools and click on Add-ons, then find a link on the left site to extensions and you will find a list of programs that have been added on to your computer.  Some of them you may want, others you do not want.  PageRage is not listed, but I remembered seeing something about Yontoo Layers near the bottom of the PageRage and sure enough, there was a Yontoo Layers add-on and an option to disable the add-on.  Once disabled, I could open Facebook with no problems.




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